VIDEO: News 5 Investigates CBD oil health claims

VIDEO: News 5 Investigates CBD oil health claims

Now that President Trump has signed the Farm Bill legalizing hemp derived CBD oil (cannabidiol), more people are reaching for products containing CBD. News 5 investigates the products on the market which are not regulated by the FDA.



Eugene Baek says:

Oh well…back to drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and taking pain killers.

Kaneh Bosm says:

Cannabinoids are produced Naturally in the Endocannabinoid system. Genesis 1:29. Cannabis is also the main ingredient in the Anointing Oil in the Bible. Jesus and the Apostles used the Anointing Oil( containing cannabis, aka kaneh bosm) to heal and anoint the sick from Sorcery, aka pharmekia, that is killing people.

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