Woman arrested for having CBD oil at Disney, raises legal debate

Woman arrested for having CBD oil at Disney, raises legal debate

A 69-year-old woman from North Carolina was recently arrested at Disney World because she had CBD oil in her purse, which was recommended by her doctor. The charge was later dropped, but the Orange County Sheriff’s Office said its deputy was following the law. STORY: https://bit.ly/303zFVQ



Terabass says:

'Murica! F Yeah!

That1 Guy says:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
I want to know if the super dangerous mind altering cbd oil was in her purse, how did the costumed hero find it? Did she volunteer to the hero that she had it? Did he ask to search her purse? Did she not know her rights?

Kevin Borge says:

I bet that Deputy feels like he made a huge difference….such a big man you are.

Kevin Borge says:

But yet you can buy the most destructive drug on the planet (alcohol) at Disney. Fuckin idiots.

Shut It Down says:

Florida belongs in the ocean

Bill says:

Police field tests for thc hit false positive all the time. Never waive your right from searches and never let them test.

Curly G Cradle Rock says:

Fuck yeah America! Waste your tax money on OLD FUCKING LADIES USING PAIN RELIEF TO BE WITH THEIR GRANDKIDS AT DISNEYWORLD. Good shit! What a GREAT country!

Tyler Durden says:

This fking btch should be handcuffed, if not HANGED!

James i agree the jukebox is unique Watkins says:

CBD oil and other products is legal throughout the nation i just did a blood test at my doctors office all my tests was good but I'm in southern California. Farther more if it was illegal why are so many places selling it huh stupid laws yall don't know what to do get yo shit right. I uses CBD for a gun shot wound to my neck that left me with nerve damage shoulder hands my left leg chonic pain worse when its rain its better than stuffing opioids down my throat

joey olivencia says:

This is a two face law. Its ok to buy but, to use it’s still illegal. Either way the state make money. By tax it or by jailed you. You pay either way

MEGA M.A.G.A says:

Disney is trash.

thc61976 says:

I like in the the story how they said in the store how it's a wake-up call for those using CBD. Why is it not a wake-up call for the government of U.S to end this fake war on drugs. SMH !!!

LX arts says:

So she couldn't put pain relief cream on. Hot packs on her pain areas. Or take naproxen. Or use a scooter to get around the park which includes lots of walking. People are quick to defend marijuana but their are plenty of drugs that arent as sketchy to use.

Bill Clark says:

ALL CBD tinctures and oils contain THC UNLESS it was made from isolated CBD (white powder form). If made from isolated CBD it is missing the extremely important medicinal compounds including THC and will not be nearly as effective as efficacy diminishes greatly. Good luck healing- Peace Love Terps

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