Woman plans to sue over CBD oil arrest at Disney

Woman plans to sue over CBD oil arrest at Disney

A great-grandmother who was arrested because she brought CBD oil to Disney says she plans to sue the theme park.



thasickest says:

Coward police wasting my tax dollars on this. Florida Florida Florida.

robert shuman says:

Mitch McConnell will endorse it for her,only thing he's done,since 9/11

PROD: TeRd FeRgUson says:

Hope she Sues. she will win

Clara McClure says:

CBD oil is deceiving. The police report does shows it contains harmful THC in it. This world is very deceiving now. Be careful. She won't win this case. CBD has THC which is not legal on Federal basis.

National Trolliosis Foundation says:

Gotta justify that drug war budget.

K P says:

Good! I hope she gets all she can$

Pm פיטרוש מיכאל says:

CBD oil is legal.

MegaYangman says:

Hope she sues the crap out of that police department!

ohdwight says:

hey Disney ! IGNORANCE AIN"T BLISS : plus disney is a babykiller ; they let alligators each children ; SUE their butts

Quartz says:

You don't even need a prescription for CBD oil.

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