Yankton Sioux Official: Marijuana Meeting Postponed

Yankton Sioux Official: Marijuana Meeting Postponed

WAGNER, S.D. (AP) — A Yankton Sioux Tribe official says a general council meeting to discuss legalizing marijuana for recreational and other uses has been postponed.

Councilwoman Roseanne Wade says she isn’t aware of a new date for the tribal-members only meeting that had been scheduled for Friday at the Fort Randall Casino Bingo Hall. Wade referred a request for additional details to tribal Chairman Robert Flying Hawk, who hasn’t answered repeated telephone calls from The Associated Press.

A notice for the meeting said the agenda would include all legal aspects of the business of “legal marijuana/hemp manufacturing, distribution and usage laws…”

The Flandreau Santee Sioux sought in 2015 to develop a commercial operation in recreational marijuana, but ultimately destroyed their crop amid fear of a federal raid.

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